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Laguna Cone 5 Glaze Artificial Salt - WC562

Laguna Cone 5 Glaze Artificial Salt - WC562

Regular price $36.29 USD
Regular price $42.74 USD Sale price $36.29 USD
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Each has its own distinct surface quality, and reaction to added colorants will vary from one to the next.  Clear and White are both excellent base glazes for decorating with stains or color additions.  Both contain no zinc and allow the use of chrome tin stains.  

Read the description carefully to determine whether oxidation or reduction is advised.  All colors are lead free and safe for food and beverage containers.      -  Oxidation glazes are in purple,     -  Reduction in black.

The toxicologists say no more salt glazes, but they haven't tried Artificial Salt! This Cone 5 "artificial" salt glaze produces almost identical results to the old favorite without the hazard to man, machinery or environment.   Note: This glaze settles out, so it should be mixed up in small batches and used right away.   

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